Christina Winton, CPM, LM, LLM
Birth Resources
“We have a secret in our culture, it’s not that birth is painful, it’s that women are strong.”
Laura Stavoe Harm
There is a lot of information out there these days, and I am working hard to complete a list of resources. This section is a work in progress! If you have a link you would like to suggest or would like to be listed as a local resource, please email me at
Birth Photographers
Chessa Helms, Helms Photography
Jaimee Hunter at Four States Doulas
Lip & Tongue-Tie Revision Specialists
Dr. Glass at Pediatric Dentistry of Texarkana
Kellymom article on growth charts for breastfed babies
Dr. Jack Newman’s Visual Guide to Breastfeeding
Kelly Mom, Resources for Breastfeeding Moms
The Leaky Boob
Legendairy Milk, Awesome, Natural Breastfeeding Supplements
Stanford Breastfeeding Resources & Videos
Bras for breastfeeding
Articles and Support
Biological Nurturing
La Leche League, Find a group/leader near you.
Breastfeeding Classes and Support, Union Hospital offers breastfeeding classes, support groups and a helpline, 410-620-3773
Jack Newman's All Purpose Nipple Cream Info
Homebirth/Birth: Evidence Based Research
An excellent resource for evidence on 'place of birth safety'
Homebirth: An Annotated Guide to the Literature, 2013
Is Homebirth with a Midwife Safe? Check out the results of this new study.
Another great study on homebirth in the Netherlands
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Study on Midwifery Care
BMJ “Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America”
Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach
Evidence Based Birth
Aviva Romm & Her amazing books on living, pregnancy and beyond!
Evidence Based Birth Article on Induction for low AFI
Amnesty International 'Deadly Delivery'
Childbirth Education
Pathway to a Healthy Birth Childbirth Connection
Birthing from Within
Bradley Classes
Cloth diapering
Happy Pottying
Diaper Free Baby
Philly Diaper Service
The Diaper Nanny
Diaper Swappers
The Diaper Hyena
VBAC Facts
International Cesarean Awareness Network
The Unnecesarean Blog
What Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know About Cesarean Sections
A Woman’s Guide to VBAC: Navigating the NIH Consensus Recommendations
Pregnancy, Labor, & Birth info
Spinning Babies for optimal fetal positioning
Birth Without Fear Blog
Trust Birth
Birth in The Squatting Position Video
Aviva Jill romm article on Natural Induction
The Childbirth Connection What to ask when considering your path to birth
Nutrition for Pregnancy & beyond
Nourished Kitchen, Wholesome Cooking for Fertility
Paleo Mom
Weston Price,Wise Traditions, Diet for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Mom's Guide to Eating in the First years of Motherhood
Natural Family Planning
FemCap - Cervical Cap
The Garden of Fertility; a wonderful resource for NFP
Taking Charge of Your Fertility: a classic
Holly Cunningham at Border City Chiropractic
Massage Therapist
Diastasis Recti & Pelvic Floor
Fit2B exercise & stretching program loved by Woman Wise moms
MuTu System
Tupler Technique
Lactation Consultants
Find a lactation consultant, ILCA (International Lactation Consultants Association)
Herbalists, Herbal Resources
Wish Garden Herbals, Resource for all things herbal, Pregnancy, Birth, Breastfeeding
Mountain Meadow Herbs, Herbs for the childbearing year and beyond
Wise Woman Herbs
Wonderful Website for Nourishing Herbs; NORA Tea for pregnancy/Lactation][101]
An extensive list of herbs to avoid during Pregnancy/Breastfeeding;]102 from a certified Herbalist
Circumcision Education
Intact America
Birth Without Fear’s Article on Circumcision
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
Not Just Skin and their amazing video on the research: An Elephant in the Hospital
Case Against Circumcision
Evidence Based Birth: Waterbirth
Passages personal waterbirth pools
Waterbirth International
Waterbirth Info
Waterbirth tubs comparison chart
National Vaccine Information Center
Immunization Advice from Experts Interesting article
Vaccination Resources
Dr. Paul Thomas's Vaccine Friendly Plan book
A Vaccine Friendly Plan
Aviva Jill Romms book on Vaccinations ( one of our faves)
Postpartum Depression
The Postpartum Stress Center
Postpartum Progress, together, stronger
Edinburgh PostpartumDepression Scale
Postpartum Depression - a resource
Postpartum Depression: Signs & Resources for Help
Birth in The Squatting Position Video
Aviva Jill romm article on Natural Induction
The Childbirth Connection What to ask when considering your path to birth
National Organizations
Improving Birth
Coalition for Improving Maternity Services
Maternity Care Coaltion
National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
Midwives Alliance of North America
North American Registry of Midwives
International Center for Traditional Childbearing
American College of Nurse Midwives
Citizens for Midwifery
International Cesarean Awareness Network
The Big Push for Midwives
Maternal Health Around the World
Homeopaths & Info on Homeopathy
Article on Nausea in Pregnancy
Great articles on using homeopathy in pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding